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ferulic xpress

Antioxidant treatment with astaxanthin and ferulic acid using nanotechnology

The treatment uses state-of-the-art nanoparticle technology, which allows the active ingredients to be transferred faster and more efficiently into the skin. Nanotechnology allows the release of substances gradually. In a controlled manner, active ingredients are delivered which gives better care results and prolongs the effectiveness of cosmetic treatments.

The abundance of antioxidants, i.e. astaxanthin, ferulic acid, vitamin C, restores the skin’s
balance and protects cells from the damaging effects of oxygen free radicals

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duration of the procedure

60 minutes

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recommended frequency

4-6 treatments at an interval of 7 days

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use regardless of season


  • anti-aging prevention,
  • photo-aging,
  • gray and lackluster skin, hyperpigmentation,
  • lack of firmness,
  • antioxidant protection for all skin types.
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Care effects

A cosmetic treatment using nanotechnology restores radiance, firmness and tone to the skin. A number of antioxidants help protect the skin from oxygen free radicals and prevent oxidative stress. Antioxidants effectively protect the skin from premature aging. Vessels and small telangiectasias are also protected.

During the treatment, the skin regains its radiance, its tone is evened out and discoloration is reduced. Gray, lackluster skin has a better, luminous tone. The treatment is rich in antioxidants ie. astaxanthin from algae, ferulic acid, vitamin C and upcycled oils.

During the treatment, a full-fledged classical massage is performed, which stimulates the skin to regenerate and rebuild. Facial skin is tighter, wrinkles are reduced and discoloration is lightened.

Thanks to nanotechnology, the active ingredients in the facial, neck and décolletage treatment are carried into the skin faster and the effects are more noticeable. Nanoemulsion allows substances to be released gradually, in a controlled manner, which gives better care effects and prolongs the activity of the cosmetic.

The treatment also uses active ingredients extracted through upcycling processes. It is a technology of differentiated development. It is based on creating products using natural ingredients or by-products responsibly sourced from the food industry as raw materials. They are obtained from plant particles that were once discarded because they were considered useless.

* Effect after 1 treatment.

Active ingredients

The face, neck and décolletage treatment is rich in antioxidants. Effectively protects the skin from oxygen free radicals and oxidative stress. In addition to this action, the treatment strongly nourishes facial skin, oxygenates skin cells and reduces wrinkles. The active ingredients are selected to effectively care for the skin.
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Kwas ferulowy

Jest antyoksydantem i zapobiega fotostarzeniu skóry. Skutecznie wspiera regenerację oraz pomaga w odbudowie bariery hydrolipidowej. Oprócz tego zwiększa skuteczność innych antyoksydantów i zapobiega działaniu stresu oksydacyjnego. Chroni skórę przed podrażnieniem i uszkodzeniami spowodowane przez działanie drażniące i czynniki zewnętrzne.

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Jest silnym antyoksydantem. Dobrze wnika w warstwę rogową skóry, przyspiesza jego odnowę. Wzmacnia funkcje ochronne barierę naskórkową i zmniejsza utratę wody. Przyczynia się także do stymulacji produkcji kolagenu i elastyny. Przeciwdziała fotostarzeniu, poprawia koloryt, wygładza, zapobiega mikrouszkodzeniom skóry. Astaksantyna jest królową antyoksydantów.

Treatment procedure

The facial treatment has a powerful antioxidant effect. It prevents wrinkles, reduces discoloration and gives the effect of beautiful, radiant skin. A huge amount of antioxidants prevents oxidative stress and strengthens blood vessels.

In the first stage of the treatment, a peel with ferulic acid, lactic acid and lycopene is applied. This is an effective preparation of the skin before the massage and further steps. The serum contains more than 50% antioxidants in its composition, including ferulic acid, astaxanthin, vitamin C. Thanks to such selected active ingredients, the massage performed effectively reduces wrinkles, gives the effect of tight and firm skin.

The creamy mask is also a wealth of antioxidants for the skin. In addition, it has shown to support the skin microbiome thanks to its lactobacillus and hemp seed oil.

The cosmetic treatment ferulic xpress is recommended for the face, neck and décolleté. The facial treatment can be performed all year round.