City SUN line

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Urban sunscreen protection

Sunscreens from the City SUN line provide protection for the skin against harmful environmental factors. They protect against UV radiation, Blue Light, free radicals and heat. They were developed for people who recognize the need for daily, year-round photoprotection. Using a facial sunscreen and a body lotion helps meet the needs of skin exposed to the demanding conditions of city life.

The active substances in the formulas of the City SUN line work synergistically. Mutually reinforcing each other, they provide protection across a broad spectrum of radiation: UVA, UVB and Blue Light. In addition, they nourish irritated and dry skin.

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Cosmetics with SPF from the City SUN line - for whom?

The face protection cream with SPF 50+ and the body protection milk with SPF 30 were created for people who:

  • have an active, urban lifestyle;
  • are aware of the effects of UVA, UVB and Blue Light on the skin;
  • recognize the need for daily sun protection;
  • they work in front of monitors and use smartphones and tablets;
  • they want to keep their skin young and healthy;
  • note the need to moisturize the skin.

City SUN products

Looking for set of sunscreen cosmetics for summer skin care? Browse our news and stay up to date with seasonal offerings!

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Photoprotection - protection against UV and Blue Light.

The SPF filter system in City SUN and City SUN BODY is based on four chemical compounds. This provides the skin with very high and high protection from the sun’s rays and blue light.

UVA radiation

UVA waves are always equally strong, regardless of the season and weather. This is one of the reasons why year-round photoprotection is a must. This type of radiation is responsible for photoaging. It produces an instant tan, does not cause a burn, but penetrates deep into the skin. It can be very damaging to cellular DNA.

UVB radiation

UVB waves provide a more permanent delayed tan. They enable the production of vitamin D, but can also cause epidermal burns and inflammation. They cause damage to skin cells.

Blue Light

Blue Light radiation is emitted by LED screens – such as those in smartphones, computers and tablets. Waves of blue light penetrate the skin more deeply than UV radiation. They generate as many free radicals as the combined UVA and UVB waves. Blue light radiation shortens the lifespan and proliferation of fibroblasts, reducing skin firmness. It weakens the epidermal barrier and causes post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It can cause DNA damage and premature skin aging.

Photoprotection with City SUN BODY milk and City SUN sunscreen is protection against the harmful effects of all three types of radiation: UVA, UVB and Blue Light.

How do I apply lotion and sunscreen?

A lightweight sunscreen for the face is an essential part of morning care. City SUN should be applied to thoroughly cleansed skin, after other skin care products. Apply City SUN BODY sunscreen milk to parts of the body uncovered by clothing. For best photoprotection, it’s a good idea to reapply sunscreen multiple times throughout the day, especially after contact with water.

No product with SPF provides full protection against UV radiation. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the sun, especially during the midday hours, and sunbathing for hours.

Active ingredients of milk and SPF cream

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Chroni błony komórkowe przed niekorzystnymi warunkami środowiskowymi (UV, przegrzanie, odwodnienie). Działa silnie nawilżająco.

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Kompleks antyoksydacyjny City

Witamina E, winogrona, ginkgo biloba, yerba mate – eliminuje nadmiar wolnych rodników. Przeciwdziała stresowi oksydacyjnemu.

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Kompleks nawilżający City

Naturalna roślinna substancja aktywna, przeznaczona dla skóry odwodnionej lub suchej. Przyciąga wilgoć i wiąże ją w naskórku. Wbudowuje się w warstwę rogową, uszczelniając ją i ograniczając TEWL (przeznaskórkową utratę wody).

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Ekstrakt z pączków porzeczki francuskiej

Silny antyoksydant, który poprawia koloryt skóry oraz jej elastyczność i miękkość. Dzięki jego właściwościom mleczko ochronne zabezpiecza skórę przed światłem niebieskim Blue Light.

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Woda kokosowa

Nawilża i odżywia komórki skóry. Działa przeciwstarzeniowo i rewitalizująco. Przywraca skórze właściwe pH.

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Olej arganowy

Naturalny filtr chroniący przed promieniowaniem UV. Wykazuje właściwości nawilżające.

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Wzmacnia odporność skóry na promieniowanie UV i Blue Light. Łagodzi podrażnienia i rumień powstały pod wpływem promieni słonecznych.