City Line

Anti-pollution care

Nowadays, anti-pollution care is a must. In an urban environment, the skin is exposed to many harmful substances. Smog, air pollution, exhaust fumes, air conditioning and heating significantly worsen the condition of the skin. The answer to this problem is City’s line of protective creams. Cosmetics protect
the skin from the adverse conditions of city life. The primary active ingredient is a filtrate obtained through beneficial fermentation. The City line of products has an anti-smog effect – and more. In addition, they moisturize and nourish the skin, reduce wrinkles and even out skin tone.

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City, pollution and dry skin

Air pollution is talked about loudly – and for good reason. This is one of the biggest civilization problems of our time. Its effects are felt in every sphere of life. In urban areas, the air is particularly heavily saturated with exhaust fumes and other man-made pollutants. Daily exposure to smog, heating and air conditioning affects our health and well-being on many levels. The condition of the skin is also not unaffected.

The result of being in a polluted environment is dry, dehydrated skin and accelerated signs of aging. Fortunately, specific protective measures can be taken. It is also possible to restore better condition to skin that has already experienced the harmful effects of urban factors.

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City line,smog,dry skin,fermentation,protective cream,anti-pollution -

The City line is designed for people who:

  • they lead an urban, active lifestyle;
  • they stay in air-conditioned and heated rooms;
  • are exposed to smog and atmospheric pollution;
  • have dry and dehydrated skin;
  • are experiencing a tightening sensation on their facial skin;
  • have dry skin and bags under the eyes;
  • want to counter the consequences of environmental pollution

Care for dry facial skin

Comprehensive care for dry skin with the City line includes a day protection cream, night protection cream, eye cream and an essence to use at any time of the day. With this treatment, the skin is moisturized and nourished. It becomes bright and radiant, improves its firmness and elasticity.

The main active ingredient of the City line is Galactomyces Fermentation Filter.

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City line,smog,dry skin,fermentation,protective cream,anti-pollution -

Beneficial fermentation - what does it mean?

The line’s protective creams contain Galactomyces Fermentation Filter. It is responsible for the effect of intense hydration with simultaneous anti-wrinkle and nourishing effects.

The secret of this ingredient lies in the fermentation process. It produces minerals, amino acids and vitamins. These elements are the basis for the health and proper functioning of the skin. The use of fermentation in cosmetology makes it possible to obtain well-absorbed active substances and extractors.

It is extremely important to select the right substrates and microorganism for the fermentation process. This makes it possible to obtain a compound with the appropriate activity. Galactomyces, a special species of yeast, was selected for fermentation for the City line. Galactomyces Fermentation Filtrate inhibits melanogenesis and exhibits strong antioxidant activity.

Anti-pollution and more - discover the power of City's active ingredients

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Kompleks nawilżający

W jego skład wchodzi mocznik, seryna, trehaloza, squaleny, kwas hialuronowy, pullulan. To grupa substancji, które chronią skórę przed odwodnieniem. Kompleks zawarty w dziennym kremie ochronnym do twarzy pozwala na zachowanie odpowiedniego poziomu wody w górnych warstwach skóry. Składnik ten ma kluczowe znaczenie w procesie poprawy elastyczności i sprężystości naskórka.

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Kompleks prorewitalizujący

Połączenie kwasów owocowych w kremie ochronnym do twarzy na noc. Kompleks składa się z kwasu migdałowego, glikolowego, mlekowego, winowego, cytrynowego i szikimowego. Składnik powoduje bardzo delikatne, drobnopłatowe złuszczanie warstwy rogowej naskórka. Jest ono niezauważalne i łagodne dzięki zastosowaniu niskiego stężenia kwasów w połączeniu z wysokim pH. Nie towarzyszy mu podrażnienie ani zwiększona tkliwość skóry.

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Kompleks proteolityczny

Łączy 5 enzymów roślinnych. Substancje pochodzą z marakui, trzciny cukrowej, cytryny, ananasa i winogrona. To sposób na uzupełnienie działania kwasów owocowych wchodzących w skład kremu ochronnego do twarzy na noc.

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Bioaktywne tetrapeptydy

Składniki ochronnego kremu pod oczy z linii City. Dzięki swoim właściwościom zmniejszają cienie i obrzęki pod oczami. Działają skutecznie, precyzyjnie i długotrwale.